Saturday 23 April 2022

Ecological warfare, that is, to piss, to shit, obscure, surround!


Man set out to meet other worlds, other civilizations, without fully recognizing his own nooks and crannies, blind roads, wells, barricaded, dark doors.  S. Lem - "Solaris"

Stanisław Lem did not say much about the war experiences, but his vision of the cosmos often features bloody tyrants, piles of corpses, and the ghetto.  These are memories from the time when the future writer was hiding as a Jew in occupied Lviv .Lem: "Life out of this world."

Damage to the environment is the result of actions not only of modern civilization, but also an accumulation of processes
the destruction of nature for centuries, even thousands of years.  Recognition has grown that wars and conflicts with the use of weapons are also contributing to environmental degradation.

It has been calculated that in the last 5,000  years happened about 14 thousand  small and large wars in which over 3.5 billion were killed
people.  However, only 300 years from this period were managed to survive in conditions of relative peace.  Goods destroyed in wars would provide mankind to survive several thousand years in prosperity.
Experiments with nuclear weapons in the 1950s and 1960s caused contamination with radioactive isotopes (long-term half-decay) of large areas of our globe.
The risk of contamination with radioactive substances activates the degradation of Earth's oceans!
War is synonymous with suffering.  Civilians, soldiers, animals, and also nature are dying.  Military conflicts leave their carbon footprint, which in the age of global warming contributes to climate change
War is a manifestation of aggression not only towards citizens but also towards nature as a whole.  Of course, we are now thinking mainly of human tragedy.As a result of nuclear tests, conducted intensively in the 1960s, and later a little less frequently until the 1980s, significant amounts of plutonium, considered one of the most dangerous radioactive elements, leaked into the environment.  Small particles containing this element introduced into the stratosphere systematically covered the surface of the Earth, forming the so-called  global radioactive fallout.
At present, all plutonium dispersed in the atmosphere is located in the surface layer of the soil, where it undergoes the processes of migration and re-suspension (rising to the surface layer of the atmosphere).
It may sound like a paradox, but many governments have for decades been concerned that the worsening climate crisis will be a major factor in triggering future armed conflicts.  On the other hand, any military intervention means "extra" emission of carbon dioxide, and thus - further poisoning our planet.

And the man said to the universe:
- Lord, I exist!
"However," replied the Universe, "this fact does not impose any obligations on me."
How can you expect more from the universe if you cannot appreciate what you already have?

Nature, unfortunately, knows no boundaries, it exists without boundaries, boundaries is the habit of ferocious creatures called [human being] to piss, to do shit  ,obscure, surround!

Are only the graves on this planet?
Stanisław Lem, Eden

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