Tuesday 24 December 2019

Human Being said: Happy Holidays. yes to days ... not to!?

To planet Earth!
His Majesty!
 Entanglement Q xxx7 Out of time, outside. The name : Kingdom is not of this world. His Majesty .

Merry Christmas and a happy birthday to Jesus♥️👑!

Wishes ...

United Worlds Multiverse💫👑

"If people talk about a long story, it usually means that it is short, but they cannot shame to tell themselves the truth."

Saturday 23 November 2019

The official Multiverse Christmas tree

The second law of thermodynamics❓..broken

The second law of thermodynamics is explained but is it really ! What is entropy?! Interesting because with a small amount of math and Greek and blocky Universe with devil!👨‍💻

Second law of thermodynamics broken?

A group of Japanese researchers has just managed to accomplish something that can tear down some of today's physics and lead to the creation of perpetuum mobile type II. By using quantum entanglement they managed to break the second law of thermodynamics.
A few years ago, the Japanese created an experimental version of Maxwell's demon, creating a kind of passage in which a barrier was placed that allowed atoms to jump to a higher level and prevent them from falling down.
As a result, the atom slowly climbed the mountain - without adding any energy to the system.The Japanese closely followed the position of the atom all the time to know when to raise and lower the barrier. So if you take into account this monitoring system and the information it generates - it all makes sense, although it can be considered an extraordinary curiosity that in the experiment they managed to convert the information into energy.
In other words - we obtain information for free - and since, as the previous experiment proved - we can transform this information into energy - quantum entanglement gives us an advantage that the second law of thermodynamics did not provide.
This means that the laws of thermodynamics depend not only on classical phenomena and information but also on quantum effects. For now, it all works only (and up to) on paper and the race continues who will be the first to recreate it in the real world

 MIT technology review


"Entropy can be viewed as the number of possible arrangements of the (quantum) state of your system. If you have more options for how you could arrange your system so that it remains identical, you have higher entropy than if there are fewer options. A room with 20 different regions at 20 different temperatures has a lower entropy than a room where every location has the same temperature.

They found that the change in entropy was negative at intervals of a few tenths of a second, showing nature running in the opposite direction. In this case, the ball obtained energy from the random movement of the water molecule - on a small scale, the equivalent of a cup of tea heats up. But at intervals longer than two seconds, the overall positive entropy change was measured and normality was restored.
The team says their experiment is the first evidence of a violation of the second law of thermodynamics at significant time and length scales.




Tuesday 19 November 2019

Multi message 👨‍💻👑

But you do not know how to build ( resurrect )
this life, but Jesus can do it!
Universe can do it!
Multiverse can do it !
Human being ?

Reset the atoms, raise them !

The Universe and  the Multiverse can do it because it is infinite and cohesive intelligence!
To take care ! :-)

Multiverse & Archangel Gabriel©

Quantum biology and information.

"The quantum world is a radically connected and interdependent ecosystem in which every individual, from the elementary particle to the galaxy, human, machine, matter and mother nature evolves like a living organism."

Are we closer to unlocking the secrets of evolution and perhaps extinction?
The feasibility of framing and formulating the singularity of nature has proved impossible to accomplish scientifically so far. The reason behind that is it was difficult to connect and merge biology with physics. However, with the newfound realization that biology can be ultimately traced to its very origin by merely reducing evolutionary biology to cell-cell signaling, the role physics plays in biology is finally crumbling the obstructions to the evolution of science.
The emerging understanding of the reduction of biology to cellular networks uniquely gains a grip on the role of quantum mechanics and helps us explore the future of quantum biology. Furthermore, it allows us to empirically formulate the basis for the singularity of nature for the very first time. Moreover, as we explore the cosmological continuum from Physics to Consciousness, applying category theory to evolutionary biology will likely help us frame and formulate the evolutionary impact of emerging technology, and further help us understand how man, machine, matter, mother nature, and the universe are all connected.....
More:  https://www.riskgroupllc.com/unlocking-the-secrets-of-evolution/

Sunday 20 October 2019

A few words about Nicolaus Copernicus!✌👨‍💻

"Nothing more beautiful than the sky, which, after all, embraces everything that is beautiful."

Nicolaus Copernicus
Film from the:" Great Conflicts "series: "Copernicus and scholars"[scientists]

[It became known to the Holy Congregation that the false Pythagorean doctrine of the movement of the Earth and the property of the Sun, contrary to the Holy Scriptures, also taught by Nicolaus Copernicus in De revolutionibus orbium coelestium ... was already spread ... so that such a view would not spread to the detriment for the Catholic faith, it is decided that ... Nicolaus Copernicus and his De revolutionibus orbium should be banned (supendendos esse) until they are amended (donec corrigatur) ...]

☆Source: Decree of the Congregation of the Cardinal Inquisition of March 5, 1616

Nicolaus Copernicus (/ koʊˈpɜːrnɪkəs, kə- /; [ Polish: Mikołaj Kopernik; [b] German: Nikolaus Kopernikus; Niklas Koppernigk; 19 February 1473 - 24 May 1543) was a Renaissance-era mathematician and astronomer, who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than Earth at the center of the universe, in all likelihood independently of Aristarchus of Samos, who had formulated such a model some eighteen centuries earlier. 

Canon law




The Nicolaus Copernicus House in Toruń


To take care!


Block universe

According to the growing block universe theory of time (or the growing block view), the past and present exist while the future does not. The present is an objective property, to be compared with a moving spotlight.

"This is called an external parameter - an independent parameter in the [classical] motion equation, so time - the time we have known since we learned to say time on the clock - seems to disappear when you study physics until you reach relativity.",🎲
More :
